
LGBTQIA+ Cultural Responsiveness Training, Disability Inclusion Workshops, and Career Transition Coaching for Individuals

Learning. Changing. Growing.

You have the desire, now you need the information and tools to support lasting change.


Curiosity is not wrong; it is an impulse to dig deeper. Curiosity is the spark that fuels learning and begins creating change.

Mission Statement:

I provide LGBTQ+ cultural responsiveness training, disability inclusion workshops, mission statement development, and strategic planning guidance that supports stakeholders’ social-emotional learning through a binary-free, disability-inclusive, LGBTQ+ lens.

So what does that mean?

I help you learn about the LGBTQIA+ community by using the 5 pillars of social-emotional learning:



-responsible decision making

-relationship skills

-social awareness

What is the result?

You will understand not only LGBTQIA+ terminology and facts but also how you fit into the movement for equality and acceptance. Through self and social awareness, you will gain perspective on how you have been working against the movement and not realized it. You will also learn how to build on your strengths and relationships to influence change in your community.

“Ash is organized & prompts thoughtful dialogue while challenging people to dive deeper and think about things from a different perspective. I left the class feeling inspired to make a bigger difference in our local community and double down on things we’re already doing in our own home & lives to make sure we are being the best allies we can.”

— Amanda H.C.

Services and Pricing.

Below are some examples of my ongoing offerings. I provide pricing for transparency. Please reach out here if you have questions or would like to sign up for my upcoming workshops.

1:1 Pick My Brain Session | $180

Do you need help with your LGBTQIA+ or disability cultural competency? Have questions about being an ally, but you’re not sure where to start or where valid sources are?

Or do you feel like you have the basics down (sharing pronouns, etc), but you want to level up?

This 90 minute 1:1 session is designed to help you do just that!

  • Pre-Work: Share your background via an email questionnaire

  • Phone Call:  Grow your LGBTQIA+ or disability cultural competency, learning about allyship, terminology and specific actions on an 80 minute phone call

  • Post-Work: Receive a customized reading and media list to further develop your understanding

Slide scale is available for those needing financial assistance. Contact me here to schedule your session today.

1:1 Career Transition Coaching for Educators

| $180

Do you want to transition out of teaching? Do you struggle to know what you want to do next? Is it difficult to know how to translate your skills to other industries?

I’ve got you! Having transitioned out of K-12 teaching twice now, I have developed powerful tools to make this transition much easier.

This 90 minute 1:1 session will give you the tools needed to confidently enter your job search:

  • Pre-Work: Share your background, skills, and interests via online questionnaire. Prepare for our meeting with prompts to get you started planning concretely for your next steps.

  • Phone Call:  We will find your core values and create a mission statement. Using these, we will focus on the parts of the job search you feel the least prepared for. This can include: ideas for resume updates, interview prep, sharing industry information and more!

  • Post-Work: Receive a customized plan of action including a timeline and next steps.

    Contact me here to schedule your session today.

Creating LGBTQIA+ Affirming Spaces for Educators | $50

A 2 hour Workshop class capped at 10

Next Session: September 13, 2021 7-9pm EST via Zoom

Did a student just come out to you and you want to know how to be supportive? Do you have trans colleagues, employees, or students and want to make sure you are creating an affirming environment?

This workshop is designed specifically for educators to benefit from my experience as a non-binary educator with over 15 years experience teaching ages from pre-K to high school.

  • Pre-Work: Share what you are hoping to learn through an online questionnaire.

  • Workshop Session:  Grow your LGBTQIA+ cultural competency, learn about allyship, explore terminology, and learn how to create a LGBTQIA+ affirming classroom and school in this two hour session.

  • Post Class: Receive access to my frequently updated Google drive of LGBTQIA+ book and media recommendations.

Sign up for this upcoming workshop by emailing me at ashbellconsulting@gmail.com.

Creating a LGBTQIA+ Affirming Home for Parents and Caregivers | $50

A 2 hour Workshop class capped at 10

Next Session: September 13, 2021 7-9pm EST via Zoom

Did your child just come out to you and you want to know how to be supportive? Do you know that you interact with LGBTQ+ youth all the time and want to make sure your home is welcoming and affirming?

This workshop is designed specifically for parents and caregivers to benefit from my experience as a non-binary educator and parent raising my children in a gender creative way.

  • Pre-Work: Share what you are hoping to learn through an online questionnaire.

  • Workshop Session:  Grow your LGBTQIA+ cultural competency, learn about allyship, explore terminology, and learn how to create a LGBTQIA+ affirming home in this two hour session.

  • Post Class: Receive a following up email with resources and answers to any questions we weren’t able to cover in class.

Sign up for this upcoming workshop by emailing me at ashbellconsulting@gmail.com.

LGBTQIA+ Affirming Theatre Practices | $50 .

A 2 hour Workshop class capped at 10

Next Session: August 2, 2021 7-9pm EST via Zoom

How do I approach casting a trans character? Am I allowed to read for this non-binary role if I am not non-binary? What are the best practices around LGBTQIA+ inclusion in theatre spaces? If you have ever asked yourself any of those questions, this is the workshop for you.

As a young non-binary person trying to figure out my LGBTQIA+ status out, theatre was my home and now as a non-binary, queer adult I continue to find home and community in the theatre through acting, directing, and stage managing. I know my experience is not unique and theatre has been and will continue to be a home for many LGBTQIA+ folks. This workshop is designed specifically for theatre professionals to benefit from my experience as a non-binary theatre educator.

  • Pre-Work: Share your what you are hoping to learn through an online questionnaire.

  • Workshop Session:  Grow your LGBTQIA+ cultural competency, get theatre specific tips for allyship, explore terminology and learn best practices for how to create a LGBTQIA+ affirming theatre space in this two hour session.

  • Post Class: Receive a Google Doc recap of the class with answers to any follow up questions received during the training.

Sign up for this upcoming workshop by emailing me at ashbellconsulting@gmail.com.